WhoshouldIsee Tracks

Smart-UI updates

Smart-UI updates

The latest Version of EBI’s Smart-UI (EnhancedBI) has been released.

The changes are:

– added the ability to unpin a Visual from certain Dynamic View (DV) pages – this is useful where you have a Dynamic View with multple pages and you want to duplicate slicers on most (but not all) pages. Just select ‘Pin to every page’ on the slicer, then, on the page where you don’t want the slicer, just select ‘unpin’. This is useful where you would like a page of charts and no visible slicers.

– added the ability for Matrix Visuals to be filtered using Chart Visuals – this is useful where you have both the Matiix Visual and a Chart Visual on a page and are drilling down in the chart and would like the Matrix Visual to display the data relavent to your drill down selection.

– enhanced the Home Screen colours – This is to better display text

– enhanced Text Visuals to wrap text – this enables you to add descriptive text to a Dynamic View.

– enhanced the Matrix Visuals to display very large numbers