WhoshouldIsee Tracks

Tag: LP

Information Delivered™

New update to the ‘Rename Format’ function

The latest version of EnhancedBI has been released. The changes are: – added the ability to use additional dates in “Rename format” fields of LP steps (last week start, last week end, last month start, last month end) – lws (last week start) – lwe (last week end) – lms (last month start) – lme (last…
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Scheduled Tasks and Deleted Users….

We have added a feature that, if you delete User Account which has active schedules (you may not be aware that these exist) this account is now set to ‘Dormant’ and the schedules are not deleted. This means that you can ‘tidy up your users’ but still have all of your reporting, e-mailing and dashboards…
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Smart UI and AWS uploads

The Latest version of EBI’s SmartUI has been released. This includes the ability to use Key File Access in the “Send a file with FTP” LP step. THis enables our customers to send a file using an SSH Key to rheir AWS server. The System Process setup is detailed below: